
ReConnect China Podcast: ‘EU–China Relations after the 2024 European Elections’ 12 July 2024 - In this ‘ReConnect China’ Podcast, Bart Dessein and Jasper Roctus shed light on the composition of the European Parliament after the 2024 European elections, and how this might translate into the EU’s China policies. Against the background of a shift… Read more
Start of ReConnect China school visits in September 12 July 2024 - During the project's first review meeting with independent experts in January 2024 in Brussels, the project consortium was recommended to intensify its engagement with youth as one of the project's key target groups. As a result from follow-up discussions within… Read more
ReConnect China Policy Brief 11: The Chinese AI Innovation Ecosystem 27 June 2024 - Based on its 2017 development plan for Artificial Intelligence (AI), China aims to become the world's main AI innovation centre by 2030. To achieve this goal, China’s strategy is to cultivate an open and sharing AI innovation ecosystem through the… Read more
Research Security in R&I cooperation with China: ReConnect China at COST Workshop 24 June 2024 - Recently, ReConnect China cooperated with the COST Association (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) for the organisation of a science diplomacy training. The training was held at the premises of COST in Brussels on June 20 and involved 30+ researchers… Read more
ReConnect China Podcast: ‘Reframing the EU’s Global Gateway from geopolitics to a positive agenda’ 20 May 2024 - Connectivity initiatives have become a major instrument in the competition among major powers. What are the implications of an exclusively geopolitical reading of connectivity? How should the EU position itself in this context? In this fourth episode of the ReConnect… Read more
Second edition of the Europe-China Table organized on ‘European export controls and de-risking from China: the Dutch experience with semiconductors’ 29 April 2024 - Clingendael Institute hosted the second Europe-China Table in the ReConnect China project on 24 April 2024 The Clingendael Institute hosted an invitation-only, online Europe-China Table on 24 April 2024 to discuss European export controls and de-risking from China, specifically in… Read more
Presentation for the CHERN working group on high-technology and innovation 25 April 2024 - On April 24, ReConnect China researcher Philipp Brugner (ZSI) took part in the CHERN (COST action: China in Europe Research Network) webinar on "EU-China cooperation in science, technology and innovation". Philipp presented the ReConnect China report on research and innovation… Read more
ReConnect China Policy Brief 10: Rethinking China’s COVID-19 Aid Diplomacy in Europe 19 March 2024 - This policy brief re-examines China's COVID-19 aid diplomacy in Europe during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, focusing on the scope of donation and associated disinformation. China’s aid diplomacy in Europe was widely seen as an attempt… Read more
The ReConnect China Youtube account is live with first MOOC videos 23 February 2024 - You can find the ReConnect China project now also on Youtube! On our Youtube channel we are publishing all single lectures from the project's Massive Open Online Courses on China. The first MOOCs went online in January and February… Read more
ReConnect China Policy Brief 9: Geopolitical Narratives Are Counterproductive 19 February 2024 - This policy brief maps the origins, shortcomings, and potential implications of a geopolitical reading of the Global Gateway vis-à-vis the Belt and Road Initiative. Despite the obvious geopolitical implications of such initiatives, it is argued that framing Global Gateway in… Read more